[Time-Management] arise, awake and take charge!


11th November 2010

Happiness is not by accident, nor is it something you wish for. Happiness is something you design.

Jim Rohn

Don't you design your house or your farm house? You design your dress and give instructions to the tailor to stitch your dress the way you would like to have. You may not like to have something which someone designed for you without your participation.

This principle applies to life also.

We have to design our happiness also. We have to decide which will make us happy and we should know what will make us happy. More than anything, we should believe that we can be happy and decide to feel happy. If we decide not to feel happy, we will not become happy, no matter what others do for us. No one can make us feel happy without our consent and involvement.

We should know that happiness is a feeling and feeling is a state of mind.

The question is: how to design happiness? May be you can try the following checklist:

·         Have a checklist of things which will make you happy. May be music, may be food, may be meeting people.

·         Once you are clear about the above, schedule an activity to make you feel happy. Manage your time in such a way that you find time to schedule that activity. If music will make you happy, invest on an ipod or a music system. Visit a music stores, or download a music.

·         Make self affirmation statement such as `I can decide to be happy', `I am happy' etc

If you decide to be happy, you can design happiness and over a period of time, you can become a `master designer'!

N C Sridharan



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