[Time-Management] Happy New Year


Happy New Year!

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

On this New Year, take a major decision which will transform your life in a major way. Best Wishes for Realising your Bream Decision!

NCS Radha Ramya Aswin

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[Time-Management] And here's the balance for the year!


1st January 2013

Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.

Napoleon Hill

There is a difference between a desire and a goal. A desire is a wish. A goal is a well considered outcome well supported by a strategy and a time frame.  A desire may be a vague idea which crosses your mind. A goal may be from such a desire.

The only way to achieve your goal is to reduce the same into an action plan. An action plan cannot be in the mind. It has to be written down on a piece of paper. You have to list minute activities and a date commitment for carrying out such activities in detail. The activities have to be sequenced and laid out in the form of a calendar. Some activities should be done one after the other and some others have to be carried out concurrently. We have to be very clear about it.

In order to achieve this, we have to do a lot of homework with paper and pencil. The more time we spend on this planning portfolio, the more will be the probability of achieving the goal.

Over this weekend, check if you have done this with reference to any of your goal! If you have nothing to record on this account, you are in a dream world!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] And here's the balance for the year!


31st December 2012

No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed.

Harold MacMillan

There is a saying that behind the success of every man there is a woman. The husband and wife is a very powerful team and one should supplement the strength of the other. There has to be perfect understanding between the two and an appreciation of the concern of the other person. If this condition is satisfied, it will be a blissful family.

Here is a real story on this very point.

A husband returns home after getting fired from his job, heartbroken. His wife says that he should consider it as an invitation to become a professional writer and encourages him to write his first novel. She pulls out a cash box which contains all the savings she has been making over the years which will take care of their needs for a whole year. The man writes his first novel. The novel is The Scarlet Letter and the man is Nathaniel Hawthorne! The wife is Sophia. Nathaniel Hawthorne became a very popular American writer and novelist who lived in the nineteenth century. The book was one of the first mass produced books in America!

Life is exciting for those who want to make it so. What about you?

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] And here's the balance for the year!


28th December 2012

You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could do for themselves.

Abraham Lincoln

A car is stuck on the road and the engine does not start. It has to be pushed, but until the car is capable of moving on its own, this temporary pushing cannot be a permanent solution. A patient is suffering from lung congestion and experiences difficulty in breathing. Oxygen support is given, but unless the lung clears up, external oxygen supply cannot be the permanent remedy. A student finds it difficult to pass and special tuition is given. If the student does not work hard to pick up, tuition master cannot be a permanent solution. A business does not have enough cash flow and a loan is taken to get over the financial crisis. But if the business is not capable of producing surplus funds after all expenses, the bank loan alone cannot save the company.

This is true in our life also. Others can help and guide us. They can give valuable mentoring and advice us.  But we should have basic intelligence and able to think independently. We should be willing to work hard and take correct decisions.

Any movement and growth is an internal phenomenon and this is the law of nature. We should take total responsibility to our life regardless of external help!

N C Sridharan



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