[Time-Management] Ignited Child Newsletter! Reminder


Dear readers,


`IGNITED' Child!


Here is exciting news!


You may be aware that my wife and I have been receiving intensive NLP training in USA on early learning and how to tap into the hidden talents of children. My wife did her M.Phil in NLP and she has spent nearly twenty five years in schools and currently she is heading a CBSE school.


We have planned to start a new newsletter exclusively on how to raise intelligent children under the caption `IGNITED Child'. Besides we are also starting an Ignited Child Study Circle in Chennai.


If you want to receive our newsletter please send your request to the following e mail id:




We will be happy to share with you very useful and interesting tips on learning and education.


If you have already replied this mail, please ignore.




N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Ignited Child Newsletter!


Dear readers,


`IGNITED' Child!


Here is exciting news!


You may be aware that my wife and I have been receiving intensive NLP training in USA on early learning and how to tap into the hidden talents of children. My wife did her M.Phil in NLP and she has spent nearly twenty five years in schools and currently she is heading a CBSE school.


We have planned to start a new newsletter exclusively on how to raise intelligent children under the caption `IGNITED Child'. Besides we are also starting an Ignited Child Study Circle in Chennai.


If you want to receive our newsletter please send your request to the following e mail id:




We will be happy to share with you very useful and interesting tips on learning and education.




N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th July 2110

"He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help."

Abraham Lincoln

The other day I was sitting in a park. I happened to listen to the conversation between a group of college students. They were discussing how the environment is getting polluted and how the mother earth is getting warmed up. They seemed to be quite concerned about the damage we are causing to the environment. I was quite impressed about the quality of their discussion. They were complaining about the `poser war' among the politicians and how the beautiful city is getting effaced and spoilt.

As I was listening to them, I noticed an young boy who came there and handed over a pamphlet of perhaps of some product promotion stuff. Another ten minutes would have passed. Some vendor came with some nuts and some crispy things to munch. The college students bought some and continued their conversations of criticizing and commenting how things could be better.

After a while the college students left. I was busy reading the book which I was reading. Once the conversation stopped, I looked up where the students were sitting and I noticed the students walking away from that place. I took a look at the place where they were sitting, and I was surprised to see what I saw: they had thrown the paper in which the nuts and eatables were packed on the ground!

I could not understand this incongruent behaviour! I could understand that they were quite concerned about the pollution and ecology. What I could not understand is why they did not do what little they could to improve the situation!

We have no right to comment if we could not do something to make things better. Over this weekend, think if you have something to complain or criticize, and if so, jot down one thing you want to do in addition to complaining and criticizing!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


29th July 2010

"If you don't have a vision, then your reality will always be determined by

other's perceptions."

-Melanee Addison

The person you know you best is yourself. Your dreams are known to you only and no one knows what you know about your dream. Your priorities are your own. You limitations and strengths are known to you only. Your vision is clear to you only. You are always `seeing' your life unfolding in front of your mental eyes. This silent movie is invisible to all others.

This is true to anyone irrespective of his resources.

Once we understand this simple principle, the best thing to do will be to dream and visualize your wildest dream coming true. Since you only know your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, your dream will be realistic. What others think about you is only a perception. There is a gap between perception and reality. Others may perceive you as week in a particular area, but you only know that you are strong. Others may perceive you as lacking in some area of your life, but you only know that you are adequate.

If you stop dreaming your future, then you are surrendering your life to be directed by others' perception of yourself. If you allow this to happen, your accomplishments will be limited by others' perception and will not match your hidden potential.

So, dream the wildest dream. Visualize yourself accomplishing the most difficult thing with ten times the limitations that you know about yourself. This dream is better than what others think about yourself!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th July 2010

  "Successful people begin where failures leave off. Never settle for 'just getting the job done.' Excel!"

Tom Hopkins

Anybody can do anything! Yes, anybody can do anything! But the only thing is how well you can do it! This is the difference which makes the difference. There is nothing in the world which you cannot try your hands on. You can drive, you can swim, you can jump, you can play football, you can fly an aircraft, you can sing, you can play guitar, you can deliver a speech, you can run a 400 meters hurdle race etc. But the difference is how well you can do all this!

If you want to do anything that you've chosen excellently, you have to develop a passion for excellence. I don't know if you have a read a book Passion for Excellence which is about some of the best Fortune 500 organizations. It is not what you do that puts in the hall of fame, but what you do better than anyone else in the entire universe.

`To do' is an activity. `To excel' is a state of mind. You can put anything in your daily to do list. But if you want to do it excellently, you need to develop your attitude of learning to do excellently and that does not come on its own. You may get an idea to do something. It's when you decide the quality of execution of the idea you decide how well you do it.

Developing a passion for excellence is possible with practice. You have to ask yourself some critical questions even before you start doing anything on the thing you want to do. Ask yourself: why do I want to do it? What will it do for me? How will I be benefited by doing this? What will I lose or miss if I don't do it? Am I willing to suffer by doing it excellently? Who is my bench mark or role model in this?

Meditate on this thought process and you will either commit to do it excellently or leave it!

N C Sridharan




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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!



27th July 2010

You can observe a lot by just looking around.

Yogi Berra

We can learn many things from various things and events happening around us. From the dog we can learn how to be grateful. Form the bees we can learn to work hard and be meticulous in our work. When it comes to nature, we can learn many things from every insect.


In the net I read what is called `the ant philosophy'. If you watch the movement of ants, you can learn four powerful concepts:


1.    Ants never quit. Just put a small obstacle on the way of an ant formation that is in movement. The obstacle will not stop the movement of the ant. The will go over, under or sideways and keep moving in the direction of their destination. We should also not quit faced with any obstacle. We should try to overcome the same.

2.    Ants think winter all summer. They will be procuring food for a rainy day. We should learn to protect us from any financial loss through careful planning.

3.    Ants think summer all winter. They tell themselves that the winter will not last long and on the first warm day they are out again. We should learn from the ants to be alert all the time.

4.    Ants procure food as much as they can, anticipating that one day they may not be able to get any food. We should also learn from the ant to insure for a rainy day and work as effectively as possible.


With this explanation in, read the above quotation once again and you will realize how powerful is the same!


N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


26th July 2010

"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth."

Benjamin Disraeli

We all have feelings and we express them whether we are aware of it or not. Many of us feel that we should not express our feelings. When we were children we felt free to express our feelings without feeling guilty. When we were angry we shouted and when we were happy we laughed. We cried when we were overcome with sorrow. We felt jealous when our friend had something which we did not have. We felt proud when we had something which our friend did not have. We shouted in ecstasy when we were happy. Overcome with anger we fought and even hit our friends. We went rebellious and we loved.

What is most important is the fact that we expressed our feelings without any reservations. In fact we did not even think for a moment if we could feel the way we felt.

But over a period of time, we were conditioned not to express our feelings. We were told not to express our anger, hatred, love, irritation, excitement, envy etc. We were told and taught how to suppress our feelings.  In fact, we were taught how to suppress our feelings than how to express our feelings appropriately.

This is what we have to unlearn and get trained. We have to train ourselves how to express our feelings appropriately instead of suppressing the same. We have to shift our strategy from suppression to expression.

So, how to unlearn? Get trained. Join a course on how to communicate assertively. Read books on assertiveness. Observe people who express their feelings without feeling guilty and without offending others.

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


23rd July 2010


"When you develop your ability to balance your emotions, unexpected problems won't knock you off balance as easily, and you'll return more quickly to a positive outlook."

Peggy McColl

Balance is an important prerequisite for bouncing back. We will have to go through some bad patches in our life. We may be confronted by unforeseen and unexpected difficulties causing lot of tension and stress. We may not like this phase of our life, but we cannot avoid such situations which are beyond our control.

We have to balance our emotions and if have the ability to do so, such difficult situations will not knock us off our stability. This is the main difference between those who succeed and those who fail. In fact, those who have succeeded have gone through several failures and some of them may be very big failures in terms of scale. Life is not what happens to you. It's about what do you do with what happens to you.

In order to remain in balance, we need to have two qualities: alertness and calmness. The ability to remain calm during crisis is what distinguishes the good from the best. When we lose our balance we are more likely to commit mistakes which will only deepen the crisis.

May be its wiser to ask three important questions when faced with problems so that we don't get into `emotional paralysis'. They are:

·         What's the worst that can happen? What if? And, what's next?

Try these power questions when you are about to be emotionally torpedoed and see that happens!

N C Sridharan



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