[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!



27th July 2010

You can observe a lot by just looking around.

Yogi Berra

We can learn many things from various things and events happening around us. From the dog we can learn how to be grateful. Form the bees we can learn to work hard and be meticulous in our work. When it comes to nature, we can learn many things from every insect.


In the net I read what is called `the ant philosophy'. If you watch the movement of ants, you can learn four powerful concepts:


1.    Ants never quit. Just put a small obstacle on the way of an ant formation that is in movement. The obstacle will not stop the movement of the ant. The will go over, under or sideways and keep moving in the direction of their destination. We should also not quit faced with any obstacle. We should try to overcome the same.

2.    Ants think winter all summer. They will be procuring food for a rainy day. We should learn to protect us from any financial loss through careful planning.

3.    Ants think summer all winter. They tell themselves that the winter will not last long and on the first warm day they are out again. We should learn from the ants to be alert all the time.

4.    Ants procure food as much as they can, anticipating that one day they may not be able to get any food. We should also learn from the ant to insure for a rainy day and work as effectively as possible.


With this explanation in, read the above quotation once again and you will realize how powerful is the same!


N C Sridharan



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