[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


21st July 2010

If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.
Marcus T. Cicero


Many of us are under the mistaken impression that bigger tasks call for bigger outlay of time and smaller tasks call for lesser investment of time and that tasks and time investment are directly proportional. This argument may appear to be logical but many logics are not true as in this case. If you want to convey something very important, it should be short and sweet. People will not have the patience to listen to long talks.

Notice the power of advertisement and notice how crisp is the content and delivery. Notice how the model uses the facial expression to convey an important message. Notice the formation of the sentence and the way words are used to convey what has to be conveyed. Notice the quality of the music and all that accompanies the content of delivery. Just think for a moment is you would watch the same advertisement if the same content is delivered through a thirty minute advertisement episode!

Why, for that matter, read the above quotation which has only twelve words and this passage which I am typing. Which is powerful and convinces you?

If you happen to know an advertisement agency, talk to the people working there and understand how much time is invested to shoot a thirty second advertisement and you will understand the meaning behind the above quotation.

Here is an interesting exercise! Over this week end, note down one issue which you have to convey to someone. Prepare a piece of note which you want to read it over to the person concerned. Don't bother about the number of words. Next imagine that you have to pay one hundred thousand rupees for every word that you've used and that you don't have that much of money. With this mind set read the same note you've prepared and then read the above quotation!

N C Sridharan



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