[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


13th July 2010

There is no education like adversity

Benjamin Disraeli

Human beings are very intelligent and driven by a survival instinct. We not only live, but also know how to live comfortably solving all the problems that arise.

During the recent global recession, organisations learnt how to reduce unnecessary cost, how to do business with lesser man power, how to retain their customer base, how to delight their customers etc. Vendors learnt how to improve their service quality and offer a cost effective product. Employees learnt how to retain their jobs. Housewives learnt how to budget an economical family budget. overnment learnt how to increase the jobs and remain in power.

I don't know if we would have learnt all these if there had been no recession! There is good in any bad situation.

Perhaps we have to simulate an adverse situation artificially to check how foolproof we are to meet such an event. Over this weekend, imagine that your income will be cut by 50% in the next six months and plan a family budget without sacrificing your present standard of living!

Try and you will realise how intelligent you are!

N C Sridharan




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