[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th July 2110

"He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help."

Abraham Lincoln

The other day I was sitting in a park. I happened to listen to the conversation between a group of college students. They were discussing how the environment is getting polluted and how the mother earth is getting warmed up. They seemed to be quite concerned about the damage we are causing to the environment. I was quite impressed about the quality of their discussion. They were complaining about the `poser war' among the politicians and how the beautiful city is getting effaced and spoilt.

As I was listening to them, I noticed an young boy who came there and handed over a pamphlet of perhaps of some product promotion stuff. Another ten minutes would have passed. Some vendor came with some nuts and some crispy things to munch. The college students bought some and continued their conversations of criticizing and commenting how things could be better.

After a while the college students left. I was busy reading the book which I was reading. Once the conversation stopped, I looked up where the students were sitting and I noticed the students walking away from that place. I took a look at the place where they were sitting, and I was surprised to see what I saw: they had thrown the paper in which the nuts and eatables were packed on the ground!

I could not understand this incongruent behaviour! I could understand that they were quite concerned about the pollution and ecology. What I could not understand is why they did not do what little they could to improve the situation!

We have no right to comment if we could not do something to make things better. Over this weekend, think if you have something to complain or criticize, and if so, jot down one thing you want to do in addition to complaining and criticizing!

N C Sridharan



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