[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!



14th July 2010

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.


Thomas A. Kempis


The most critical ingredients for succeeding in life are already available inside us. They are self control, self discipline, self audit, self determination, self talk, self affirmation, self focus, self correction, self check etc. You can add to this long list. Many of us are under the mistaken impression that others decide the quality of our life. We believe that others' indiscipline and others' control affect our life. Nothing can be farther from truth. All powers are in us to neutralize others' forces, positive or negative.


We can control others, we can punish others, we can silence others. But try to control yourself, try to punish yourself, try to criticize yourself. You will realize how difficult is it! We can use power and authority to control others and make them to do what we want them to do. But we cannot use any power or authority to control and discipline ourselves. In fact the most difficult person to control is ourselves!


We wish to be somebody and we wish to accomplish something in life. If we want to realize the same, we have to think and act in a particular way. Up to the time of wishing, we will do it. But when it comes to thinking and doing in a specific way, more often than not, we will not do it. If we notice carefully, we can find a gap between what we have to do and what we are doing. No one can really control  and align us, except ourselves.


Over this weekend, do an introspection to find how many times you defied your own mind and went out of control!


N C Sridharan





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