[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


6th July 2010


"The height of your accomplishments will equal the depth of your convictions."


William F. Scolavino

We ask the question `how deep you love reading' and we say `I'm in deep love with my lover'. When we say this we mean that our love for that thing or that person is really serious. There is a difference between `liking' and `loving'. When we love something, the emotional bondage is more intense than when we like the same. Similarly the depth of your knowledge in a field will decide how much you can accomplish in that field. The depth of your affection to your children will decide how much sacrifice you are willing to make for their good.


When we want to accomplish something, we have to be convinced that we want it. What is even more important is the depth of our conviction. The is our depth of conviction, the more will be our willingness to suffer and sacrifice to achieve the same. Sometime back I heard someone say that if you don't have at least one thing in your life for which you are willing even to die, then it is not worth living!


The deeper your conviction to your ambition and goal will decide the degree of your commitment and the quantum of your effort level while working for the same. This will also decide your consistency and endurance. When you are deeply convinced that you will achieve your objectives, you will be undeterred by temporary setbacks and failure.


You will not get irritated or upset when confronted with unfavourable environment surrounding you. You will become passionate in what you are doing and you will not easily give up.


Over this weekend, list four things you want to accomplish. For example, I want to climb Mount Everest, I want to learn one more language, I want to reduce 5 kilograms with in the next hundred days etc. Against each of this, rate the depth of your conviction that you will accomplish the same. See the result after one hundred days and compare the same with the rating you gave now!


N C Sridharan



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