[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


19th July 2010 
There is more to life than increasing its speed.


Mohandas Gandhi

Today we live in a world of fast food, fast track, twitter, face book, speedier automobiles etc. Our life is so fast that we don't have time to live. We have yesterday's problem to be solved today and tomorrows problems to be worried about. The net result is we lose relationship.

Just imagine what we were doing in the evenings before the television was invented. How we were communicating before the mobile phones and internet were invented. How we were travelling before the air travel became so popular and affordable. Three generations back people were comfortable and happier. They had lesser money and lesser comforts, but much more satisfied. With one tenth of the gadgets we have, they were even more effective. Shakespeare did not have a typewriter nor did Milton or Charles Dickens. In spite of this they wrote masterpieces.

Vasco da Gama and Columbus travelled all over the world. But they did not have a speedier vessel. Yet they accomplished. Beethoven composed a large number of music. Yet he did not have the modern faster musical gadgets. Michelangelo painted, but he did not have the modern equipments and technology to enhance the quality of his artwork.

So speed is not everything. What is even more important is our love of our profession, fellowship, human relationship and mental peace of mind. Our forefathers had all these nice things in their lives, but they did not have the speed we have. We lead a fast life, but we do not have the nice things our forefathers had!

N C Sridharan



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