[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th July 2010

  "Successful people begin where failures leave off. Never settle for 'just getting the job done.' Excel!"

Tom Hopkins

Anybody can do anything! Yes, anybody can do anything! But the only thing is how well you can do it! This is the difference which makes the difference. There is nothing in the world which you cannot try your hands on. You can drive, you can swim, you can jump, you can play football, you can fly an aircraft, you can sing, you can play guitar, you can deliver a speech, you can run a 400 meters hurdle race etc. But the difference is how well you can do all this!

If you want to do anything that you've chosen excellently, you have to develop a passion for excellence. I don't know if you have a read a book Passion for Excellence which is about some of the best Fortune 500 organizations. It is not what you do that puts in the hall of fame, but what you do better than anyone else in the entire universe.

`To do' is an activity. `To excel' is a state of mind. You can put anything in your daily to do list. But if you want to do it excellently, you need to develop your attitude of learning to do excellently and that does not come on its own. You may get an idea to do something. It's when you decide the quality of execution of the idea you decide how well you do it.

Developing a passion for excellence is possible with practice. You have to ask yourself some critical questions even before you start doing anything on the thing you want to do. Ask yourself: why do I want to do it? What will it do for me? How will I be benefited by doing this? What will I lose or miss if I don't do it? Am I willing to suffer by doing it excellently? Who is my bench mark or role model in this?

Meditate on this thought process and you will either commit to do it excellently or leave it!

N C Sridharan




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