[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


23rd July 2010


"When you develop your ability to balance your emotions, unexpected problems won't knock you off balance as easily, and you'll return more quickly to a positive outlook."

Peggy McColl

Balance is an important prerequisite for bouncing back. We will have to go through some bad patches in our life. We may be confronted by unforeseen and unexpected difficulties causing lot of tension and stress. We may not like this phase of our life, but we cannot avoid such situations which are beyond our control.

We have to balance our emotions and if have the ability to do so, such difficult situations will not knock us off our stability. This is the main difference between those who succeed and those who fail. In fact, those who have succeeded have gone through several failures and some of them may be very big failures in terms of scale. Life is not what happens to you. It's about what do you do with what happens to you.

In order to remain in balance, we need to have two qualities: alertness and calmness. The ability to remain calm during crisis is what distinguishes the good from the best. When we lose our balance we are more likely to commit mistakes which will only deepen the crisis.

May be its wiser to ask three important questions when faced with problems so that we don't get into `emotional paralysis'. They are:

·         What's the worst that can happen? What if? And, what's next?

Try these power questions when you are about to be emotionally torpedoed and see that happens!

N C Sridharan



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