[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


2nd May 2012

`Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character'. 
John Wooden

Another reader writes: `from my school days I have a passion for chess. I wanted to take chess as my career. But I have ended up as an engineer. Can you tell me why my talent let me down?'

I wish to say that his talent did not let him down; on the other hand he let his talent down! Just because you have a talent, it does not mean that it will work wonders for you. You have to become obsessed to exploiting your talent fully at the cost of anything else.  You have to feel like a fish out of water when you want to pursue your talent, but prevented by doing so.

A close friend of mine is a famous stage artist. He and his brother are legends in the Tamil drama field. One of their recent dramas is a great hit and they have so far staged the show 475 times. Almost every Saturday and Sunday they stage this show, sometimes three shows in a day. Once I asked my friend if he is not bored staging the same drama nearly 500 times? He replied that he will rather remain without food and water on a weekend, but not without staging their drama!

It is his character to be a drama artist. If it is not his character, he would have given up this long ago!

N C Sridharan



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