[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


28th May 2012

`The history of liberty is the history of resistance'

Woodrow T Wilson

I had an interesting experience this morning which taught me an important life skill. I was trying to light an oil lamp in my prayer room. I had a new match box from an established brand. The oil and the oil lamp were ready to be lit. I tried to ignite the match stick by scratching its head against the side of the match box couple of times but failed. I tried to understand why the match stick was not ignited.

Then I noticed that in the process of lighting the oil lamp, my fingers had come into contact with the oil which I had applied on the side of the match box. The oil removed the friction which is required to ignite the match stick!

I learnt: you need friction to force to use the driving force! This is the law of nature which you cannot defy. But all of do not want any obstacles and we want to succeed without any problem. We have to understand that this is not possible.

Think of a rock which has seen a chisel and a hammer and another which was safely lying on a mountain. We don't admire a raw rock, do we?

I have an interesting story of a butterfly, you have to wait for a day!

N C Sridharan



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