[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


31st May 2012

The greatest oak tree was once a little nut that held its ground'


In life we pass through many phases and in each phase we were guided by two types of belief systems, the driving beliefs and the limiting beliefs. Driving beliefs give us the energy to move further; limiting beliefs act as the negative force.

There were many things we believed we could not do. For example:

·         I cannot speak;

·         I cannot walk;

·         I cannot run;

·         I cannot pedal a cycle;

·         I cannot …

·         I cannot…

But, did you not do all these over a period of time? Even now you may strongly believe that you cannot do many things and you may not even attempt to do the same.

Today list all those you believe you cannot do at this point of time and start believing you can. Believe that you are greater than what you think you have already done. Believe that your `installed capacity' is much more than your `displayed capacity'.

N C Sridharan



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