[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


22nd May 2012

`One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few and they are more beautiful if they are a few'


How do you keep what you already have?

I'm typing this piece while I am waiting at a hairdressing saloon. I see people with locks of hair trying to give them an attractive appearance. I also see people with very scanty hair trying to trim them, at the same time not losing them. I imagined the guy with very scanty hair some twenty years ago! Would he have been as careful with his hair as he now?

This is what happens with all what we have in plenty. When have something in plenty, we don't even notice them leaving us. Many things in life will not come back. Our youth, our strength, our wealth and the list can be endless.

Next time when you see a person begging for food, recall how you treat your food. Next time when you see a blind person, remember how you treat your eyes. Next time when you see a person in poverty, think how you spend your money.

While we are in a job, we may not value all the perks the job brings. Only when we lose our job, we will realise the value of the canteen food, the medical treatment, the company transport and all the friend and fellowship that go with the job!

This evening, list all that you have now and think how you treat them!

N C Sridharan



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