[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


9th May 2012

`Those at the top of the mountain didn't fall there'

Author Unknown

We all sit glued to the chair watching Olympic players winning gold. But do you know what is so unique to any Olympic Gold medal winners? It is: a strong mind set. Researchers give the following traits to describe the Olympic mindset:

  1. 100% determination: For example come hail, rain or sun shine, an Olympian will be training!
  2. Strength: Olympians are strong – mentally and physically. They cannot be discouraged by others while working for the gold medal.
  3. Hard working:  Not just raw hard work. What is more important is their hard work is combined with focus.
  4. Motivation: Olympians are driven by a very powerful dream.
  5. Ability to deal with adversity: They are not deterred by setbacks.
  6. Optimistic and positive mental attitude: They have a strong positive inner dialogue.
  7. Strong focus: Like the laser beam, unlike the torch light beam!
  8. High stress tolerance: They can accept defeat in front of millions of viewers as equally as winning in front of them!

The above eight traits are applicable to anyone with a goal. Can you rate yourself how you come out with reference to these qualities? May be you can do a weekend self audit!

N C Sridharan



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