[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


18th May 2012

`The art of patience is not much about how long one can wait, but it is about how one behaves while waiting….'


I was in a departmental store. The cash counter was very empty. I saw an elderly couple laying their purchases on the counter. The counter girl processed their order through the computer. There was some problem in the printing machine. The counter girl called someone for help. The elderly gentleman was getting very restless and started shouting at the staff abusing and commenting at the quality of the service. The more he shouted the more the girl at the counter was becoming nervous and committed even more mistakes.

In less the one minute the machine was fixed and the couple left the stores!

I was a silent observer to the entire episode. Neither the elderly person nor the girl in the counter was happy about the scene that was created. I was wondering if the person could have handled the situation in any other decent way. In our daily life there are occasions where we have to wait. We wait at the traffic signal, at the doctor's clinic, at the train and bus stations etc. we should know that these are situations beyond our control and we should take them as part of the game.

I have an interesting story about a cockroach in a restaurant sent by one of the readers on how we should react to situations beyond our control. Please wait for the weekend!

N C Sridharan



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