[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


17th May 2012

`Control your emotions, or it will control you'!


Don't be a victim of `emotional abuse'!

I suggest you read Daniel Goleman's book `Emotional Intelligence'. Our emotions are natural. The other day I was shopping with my wife and daughter and they noticed as much I noticed that I was getting irritated on small things. They asked me why I should get angry on things on which I have no control. I totally agreed with them, though I know that it is difficult to convert my agreement into action!

Emotions are integral part of human nature. We have positive emotions and negative emotions. We do require negative emotions also. Anger, worry, greed, irritation, jealousy etc are some examples of negative emotions. We should use such negative emotions for constructive purpose. Can you imagine what will be your life if anger is completely removed from you? What will happen if you don't become jealous about someone?

We become victims of emotional abuse when  we use such negative emotions to destroy our character. Suppose we are angry throughout the day on something or other or on somebody or other. Surely such state of mind will affect the quality of our thinking and thus the quality of our decision making.

A mature person will train his mind to use negative emotions for positive purpose. Today, before going to bed check if there was a time in the day when you became a victim of emotional abuse!

N C Sridharan



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