[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


29th May 2012

`Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle'

Napoleon Hill

We need to be tested to prove that we have the ability to win. Some tests are severe and make us to learn hard lessons.

I read somewhere the story of a butterfly and it goes like this.

A butterfly was trying to come out of a small hole that appeared in a cocoon. A man sat and watched the butterfly struggling to come out. To help the butterfly to come out without the struggle, he took a small scissor and slit open the cocoon and the butterfly came out.  The man was very happy that he helped the butterfly and waited for the butterfly to come out and take its first flight of freedom. He noticed that the butterfly had a withered body and weak wings. The butterfly was never able to fly and spent the rest of its life by crawling around.

The man did not understand that the restricted hole in the cocoon and the struggle that the butterfly goes through to come out is the God's way of forcing a fluid from the body into its wings and the fluid will give the necessary strength for the wings to fly. Since the butterfly did not go through this struggle, the wings remained weak and shriveled and the butterfly was never able to fly!

We need struggle and defeats to prepare for greater success in life!

N C Sridharan



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