[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


4th May 2012

Have you worked hard?

For every two minutes of glamour, there are eight hours of hard work.
Jessica Savitch

We have to remain humble at the same time not belittling our own success. Sometimes we may have an inflated opinion about our own success and achievements.

We may think that we are working hard enough. Sometimes we are humbled in unexpected ways and experiences.

I read an interview of Shah Rukh Khan which appeared in Hindustan Times. He said that he had gone to meet a friend of him in South Delhi. He was not in the house. Shah Rukh Khan wrote a small note saying that he came and gave it to the watchman. The watchman looked at him and asked if he had written his name and address. Shah Rukh Khan said yes. Then the watchman asked him if he had written what he does for his living! Shah Rukh Khan says that this experience humbled him. He says that after twenty years of acting in Hindi films playing lead roles, if a watchman in South Delhi does not know him, it means that he has to work even harder!

This is what is meant by remaining humble and not allowing our fame to become arrogant. The old adage `pride goes before fall' is very true. The moment we feel `I've done all that I can', we begin to slide.

It will be a good idea to check your `humility quotient' once while!

N C Sridharan



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