[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


24th May 2012
A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Are you in the right place?

You have to check if you are in the right place that matches your skill and resources.

I recall an old story. The story goes like this:

Baby camel (in a zoo):  Mommy, can I ask you a question?

Mother camel: Yes dear, is anything bothering you?

Baby camel: No mommy, why do we have long legs?

Mother camel: Oh, we are desert animals and we have to walk on sand, and we are the only animals who can do this!

Baby camel: Wow! Why do we have strong legs?

Mother camel: We carry a lot of people across the desert which no other animal can!

Baby camel: That makes me proud! Why do we have this hump?

Mother camel: We store food and water in our hump and we can be without food and water for months together which no one else can!

Baby camel: I'm excited. Why do we have such thick eye lashes?

Mother camel: We can stand any amount of sand storm and can walk without any interruption across the desert!

Baby camel: Can I ask you one last question, mommy!

Mother camel: Yes, dear, still anything else bother you?

Baby camel: We have strong long legs, we have an envious hump, and we have thick heavy eye lashes which no one else has. With all this unique features, what are we doing in this Zoo?

Do you resemble that camel in anyway?

N C Sridharan



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