[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


23rd May 2012

`Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work'

Bette Davis

Is your job intellectually stimulating?

Do you feel bored in your job? If so, the chances are that there is no improvement in your job content. As we work and climb our career, a time will come when there will be no surprises or crisis in our job. Perhaps we will also like this state of no tension or stress. This is when we have to be careful not to fall into the routines of our life.

Our job should engage us intellectually. This means we have to accept challenges, small or big. Sometimes others will give us challenges. If not, we have to set ourselves some `near impossible' tasks. Try to fix a target three times your known capacity and try to achieve the same. Notice what happens to your energy. Notice what happens to your untapped potential. Notice what happens to your ability to muster all your skills and resources.

It is something like exercising in a gym. You have to burn your unwanted fat. When you fix a near impossible task and achieve the same, you will burn some of the harmful mental fats such as laziness, complacency, sluggishness etc. You will become mentally alert.

When you do this, you will realise that all of a sudden your job has become intellectually stimulating!

N C Sridharan



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