[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


14th May 2012

Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment.

Baltasar Gracian

I remember some twenty to thirty years ago, a person will enter a department at a junior level and retire in the same department. In fact to say that one has spent long years of service in the same department used to be an advantage in one's bio data. But today we live in a world of multi-skills and it pays to get exposed to more than one functional area.

I admire the old British system of Civil Services in which an officer is rotated in many departments before he retires in a senior position. The Indian Administrative Service still follows the same system brought in by the British government.  

If we remain in the same department, over a period of time we will become very routine in our working methods. It may help us to master the nuances of the department over a period of time and there will be no tension or stress. But this comfort zone will breed a mindset of complacency and ultimate decay.

It will be a good idea to change our work once in seven to ten years and try to perform in the new area. This approach will once again kindle our creativity and imagination.

The law of nature is very clear: anything that doesn't change decays. What about you?

N C Sridharan



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