[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


11th May 2012

`Capacity is 90 percent luck and 10 percent skill. But don't try it out without that 10 percent.'

Richie Benaud

Life is like a game of rummy. You should have the right set of skills to win.

You may like a card in a rummy game and it may be your lucky number. But, you should discard the same if required; else it will become a liability. Similarly in life also, you should discard a skill and pick up a new and relevant skill when required.

In a game of rummy, you should guess the cards in others' hands. So in life also you should know what skills others possess and your skills should be better than that of others.

In a game of rummy, you cannot say if you have the right cards without reference to what others have. So also in life, you have to evaluate your skills with reference to what others have.

In a game of rummy, you may pick up a card discarded by someone else. So in life also you may find a skill very relevant which may not be so for somebody else!

In a game of rummy you should quickly decide whether to continue or quit a round without loss of time. So in life also you should not waste time to reorganize yourself totally if required and start all over again!

N C Sridharan



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