[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


3rd March 2010

Optional and compulsory!


"The big rewards come to those who travel the second, undemanded mile."

-Bruce Barton


In our life we do two types of activities. There are some activities which are compulsorily and we will be forced to do the same. There are activities which are purely optional. For example we will be required to have a driving license if we want to drive a car. But the decision to drive a car is optional and cannot be forced on us! We decide to do so. But if we decide to drive our car, then we cannot avoid going for a driving test. We may not be willing to submit ourselves for the test. But there is no option.


When we decide to exercise our option to do a thing on our own volition, then we will experience the `flow'. We will get involved and committed. We do it not to satisfy others', but to satisfy our own conscience. As long as our actions are decided by ourselves, there will be no need for others to follow up how we are performing. Just realise how smooth will be the work if people do not need to be followed!


In this context, the above quotation is very important. Next time you walk into a departmental store, notice the various people working and pay attention to their facial expression and the quality of their service. You can easily understand if they are working on their own volition, or due to compulsion. The smile on their face, and the `thank you' that you get is an index. You can buy their service by paying money, but the quality of their service is decided by them on their volition!


Once we understand this aspect, we will not complain, blame or get irritated to do what we have undertaken to do.


N C Sridharan



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