[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


20th March 2010

Here's a feedback!


Dear Readers,


I do hope that you like the contents of my newsletter. I will be too happy to receive your feedback. I give below a feedback that I received yesterday which I want to share with you.


I once gain request to enrol as many of your friends to receive this mail since I want to reach out to a cross section of people in discharge of my mission: `to make a difference in others' life!'


Dear Mr. Sridharan

Sir, Although I was very much proud by reading and ordering your classic book – The Gift of Time – due to that adoration, few of my colleagues are receiving your cryptic path breaking daily emails (actually sermons).

Sir - I am grateful and pray to almighty in future also the knowledge that you possess, will percolate and offer great guidance to my associates. I do pray for your good health.



Dhiru Kapasi




N C Sridharan



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