[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


16th March 2010

One's objective should be to get it right, get it quick, get it out, and get it over. You see, your problem won't improve with age.

Warren Buffett

There is a specific mindset which is unique for any successful person. They are restless. They yearn to achieve what they want. They will not rest till they achieve. Their conscious and unconscious minds are totally occupied by the dream they cherish deeply in their heart. This state of mind gives them the focus and concentration they need to accomplish their goals. They are proactive and plan things well ahead of time. They approach the problem like a game of chess. They know what to do if `x' happens and what to do if `x' does not happen. They don't get into the trap of blaming, complaining, criticizing, avoiding and labeling.

They keep the end in mind and are excited by the mental picture that evolves once they achieve their goal. They act from what is called `as if' frame of mind. While they execute their plan of action, they imagine as if they are sure to succeed. Since they are very sure and confident about their strategy, they operate from a position of strength.

Just recall what Jon F Kennedy declared. He said that the first ever person to land on the moon shall be an American. He was definite about it. Mahatma Gandhi was very sure that India will attain freedom through nonviolent means. All the setbacks and struggles did not stop him. They only strengthened his resolve.

If you happen to hear the speeches of great people, you will be stunned at their confidence. Read the ` I have a dream, I have a dream' speech of Martin Luther King and you will know what I mean.

In short: if you want to succeed, become obsessed and restless!

N C Sridharan



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