[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


1st April 20101

"Stop rationalizing, stop stewing. Get up out of your chair and start doing."

Denis Waitley

I became curious to know the exact meaning of the word `stew' and looked up the dictionary and it means: `a room for hot air bath; a over heated or sweaty state; mental agitation; worry'.

With this meaning in mind read the above quotation once again and you will realise the power of the same! We get into a comfort zone and don't feel like getting up. In the past we might have worked hard and all our hard work would have got us the comfort we enjoy today. We may enjoy the result of our hard work and get complacent. Or we may get worried about something and get stuck and immobilized and get into an inactive mode. May be we are confused to do this or that. Or may be we may be disappointed about our progress.

Don't ever waste your time. You cannot put the clock back. Even the richest in the world cannot buy one minute of the time that is past with all his wealth. Nor the most powerful man can do it. Time will slip through your fingers like grains of sand. Your children are growing and your parents are getting old and so you are. Your opportunities are also the opportunities of anybody.

Whatever may be the reason for your stewing, get up and start doing! On any day action is better than inaction.

N C Sridharan



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