[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


26th March 2010


Most of life is routine--dull and grubby, but routine is the mountain that keeps a man going. If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street.

Ben Nicholas

If you think for a while, after some time of doing anything, it becomes a second nature to do it. When we learn to do something in the beginning it is all excitement. We may commit a mistake and go through the pain of learning. But once we have mastered the art of doing it, it becomes routine. When we reach this stage, we may feel bored and at times we may even feel like giving up.

But is here we have to be motivated even to remain where we are. Sometime back I was working in an organisation headed by a person who is the personification of energy and empowerment. One day as I was walking with him into the factory shop floor I pointed to very senior operators who have put in more than thirty years of service in the same job on the same machine and in the same shift. Os asked him if these workers will get bored of the routine since there is no more excitement in their job. He looked at my face and asked me how long I have been walking! I was confused about this question and replied that I have been walking for the past may be forty years. He asked me if I got bored of walking!

This question made me to accept the reality that whether we get excited or not, certain routine things have to be done, whether we like it or not! Just because we don't like it, the world will not wait till we make up our mind to do it with enthusiasm. It is upto us to muster the enthusiasm and excitement to do what we have to do.

N C Sridharan



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