[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


8th March 2010

"If you don't make a total commitment to whatever you're doing, then start to bail out the first time the boat starts leaking."

Lou Holtz


In life there is no such thing as a half hearted attempt. It is like jumping across a well. Either you muster all your energy and jump; else you sit comfortably where you are. The key word is `total'. If you are not totally committed, then you are sure to fail. You will not be able to put your heart and soul to the project on hand. You will hesitate and waver. You will find excuses to postpone things. You will try to find scapegoats and people to blame for your faults. You may not notice, but others will notice that you are not fully involved in the project which you are presently handling.


Such a half hearted task will fail. It is merely a question of time before you see cracks appearing in your will power. You will loose your initial enthusiasm and drive.  When it comes to commitment, either you are in or you are out. There is no such thing as in between. Just imagine what will happen if you are sitting in a boat which is leaking. Before it is too late you have to jump out. It is also like holding a live cobra in your hand. You would seen snake charmers handling a most venomous cobra very tactfully. They understand the attitude of the cobra and develop an appropriate attitude in them so that they enjoy what they are doing.


Handling a tough project is just like handling a live cobra. If you are committed and alert, you will enjoy the process. Else you will run a big risk of life and death. Before you go to bed, write down an important project that you are currently handling such as writing a book, producing a documentary etc. and ask yourself the question: am I totally committed to this project? If the honest answer is `no',  give up the project and quit!


N C Sridharan



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