[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


24th March 2010

When you get right down to the root of the meaning of the word "succeed," you find that it simply means to follow through.

F. W. Nichol

Everyone has something or other to achieve. We may have a big goal or a small goal. Or we may have a small task to achieve. We may be very clear about the strategy also. The strategy and the action plan will be clear and we will be very honest in desiring to achieve the goal. However, in spite of all this, we may not succeed the way we want. The most common reason for this is lack of follow through.

As we go through our life, lots of ideas cross our mind. We take some of the ideas seriously and try to implement the same. But over a period of time, we notice that some of the ideas have not been implemented. There could be any number of reasons. We may not even know how many ideas we got and how many we implemented.

We need to distinguish between the total number of ideas we got and the productivity of such ideas. Any idea that we did not take to the logical conclusion are not productive. They could have engaged our mind and sometime our material resources also. Such an investment of our time is also unproductive.

Do an exercise over this weekend. List all the ideas on which you initiated some action and invested your time and track where they are now. Work out the percentage of ideas that you followed through and those which did not follow through! You will know your personality!!

N C Sridharan



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