[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


9th March 2010

"A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make."


Denis Waitley


It may suit us and make us happy to blame others for what we have and what we don't have. But we have to realize that it's our decisions that get us our rewards and consequences. It is said that we make as many as one hundred thousand decisions everyday, big or small. Big decisions will get us big rewards and small decisions will get us small rewards. The same applies to consequences also. We have to be conscious about the quality of our decision making process. This will in turn take us to the quality of our thinking process as such.


While I write this I recall a humorous incident someone told me. A person came to the office lunch room, opened his lunch box and shouted, `again sandwich! Yesterday sandwich, day before yesterday sandwich and today also sandwich!'  His friend told him, `if you don't like sandwich, why don't you tell your wife to pack something else for lunch?' For this our friend replied, `Wife? I only pack my lunch!'


So are we. We don't like our life, but we blame others. We need to understand that we get what we decide and we write our own autobiography everyday.


Before going to bed today, spend ten minutes auditing the quality of your decision making all through the day.


N C Sridharan



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