[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th March 2010


" `Now' is the operative word. Everything you put in your way is just a method of putting off the hour when you could actually be doing your dream. You don't need endless time and perfect conditions. Do it now. Do it today. Do it for 20 minutes and watch your heart start beating."

Sam Ewing

I am convinced that the most fatal and dangerous of all the diseases is procrastination. Nut is not a terminal disease, in the sense that it is not curable. There is a cure and the only medicine for this disease is `hard work'. Procrastination is merely a state of mind and it is not more than that. We have to get out of this state.

Have you heard of the metaphor `eating an elephant'? It means breaking up a task into small activities and doing one activity at a time. It is like eating a huge elephant one bite at a time. Also think of other quotations such as `Rome was not built in a day'; `little drops make the mighty ocean' etc. Just think how a huge book is written. Just one letter per second but consistently.

In my time management seminars I ask people to break down a task or a project they have been postponing for a long time into about fifty to sixty activities and give each activity a time limit to complete. At the end of the activity invariably the participants used to say that they realized that the project was not that difficult as they thought! The reason for this realization is the fact that the whole project occupied their mind and made them feel overwhelmed and not the simple activity which they could have done!

Why not do this exercise over this weekend? Please understand that no matter whatever genuine reason you might have for not acting, the world will continue to move regardless of your inaction!

N C Sridharan



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