[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


29th March 2010

I believe we can fly on the wings we create.

Melissa Etheridge

We have to choose between two types of pain and pleasure – temporary and permanent. We choose to undergo temporary pain or accept permanent pain in the future. Or we can enjoy the temporary pleasure or prepare for the permanent pleasure. Creating our bright future is painful involving a high amount of discipline and endurance. But there is no compulsion. In fact no one can compel us. But we have to understand that every hour of planned and sustained hard work will create years of our happy life in the future.

Next time you see someone laying a road or building a house, notice how hard they work. You need to notice whether they are constructing their own house or a house for someone else to live.  This principle applies to our life also. We can decide to take charge of our life and create our own future. If we do it we can fly with the wings we create.

But many of us are under the mistaken impression that whatever we do we do it for others. We don't have to work for others, we don't have to please others, we don't have to live for others, and we don't have to be disciplined for others' sake.

We need to understand that every minute we are writing one line of our own autobiography! Let us write it well!

N C Sridharan



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