[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


5th March 2010



"Commitment with accountability closes the gap between intention and results."

Sandra Gallagher


All of us have good intention and high ambition in life. All of us want to come up in life. If you take the ratio of people who had ambitions and those who reached their ambitions exactly how they dreamed, you will notice that not many succeeded. The key word here is exactly. There will be a gap between what they wanted to achieve and what they really achieved. Successful people notice the gap and fill up the same with relentless efforts and go forward. The not so successful people accept the gap and rationalize how the gap is natural and insurmountable. The mindset of rationalization leads them into response modes of blaming, complaining, criticizing, labeling and avoiding.


The only way to bridge the gap between ambition and result is to get committed to the ambition we have. Commitment is different from involvement. Commitment presupposes a sense of sacrifice and a killer instinct attitude. This state of mind fuels our enthusiasm and empowers us.


Over this week end, write down your ambitions with respect to your various roles in life such as executive, head of family, writer, sportsman etc and ask yourself the question: am I committed to this ambition and am I willing to sacrifice myself to reach this ambition?


The answer to this question will decide your energy level.


N C Sridharan



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