[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th March 20101

Use what talents you possess:  the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.

Henry Van Dyke

Just think: what took an airplane in the mid sky? Isn't a small spark in the engine? Is that spark strong and big enough to keep the plane flying? Definitely not.  We need a spark or a starting point for anything. Look at the first model of the automobile developed by Henry Ford. Was it a perfect automobile? Compare the same with the latest automobile that is developed and marketed by the Ford Company in today's competitive world! If Henry Ford had waited till he got all the ideas to make today's automobile, would he made even one automobile?

This principle applies to our life also. All of us have some talent in us. We may have a talent to sing or write or play etc. But we may not be willing to take efforts to fully exploit that talent since we feel shy or afraid of criticism. In my time management programme one common problem expressed by even very senior executives is the stage fear. They are afraid to speak on a platform. They are afraid that others may find fault in what and how they deliver!

One way to overcome this starting problem is to start somewhere. Over this weekend, identify one talent you have but you have not taken any action to exploit the same due to fear or any reservation. For example, you have a flair for writing. Then take a paper and pencil and WRITE just one sentence. Write that one sentence which comes to your mind, no matter how imperfect the sentence may be. Do it regularly at a fixed time everyday and notice the difference over the next thirty days!

N C Sridharan



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