[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


3rd March 2011

You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.

Zig Ziglar

Any result is caused and does not happen on its own. Nothing comes out of nothing. It's the law of nature. Next time when you watch people, who succeeded or failed, watch their language. A person who succeeded will say `I worked hard and achieved', `I took lot of efforts and realized my dreams', `I focused my entire mind passed the exam' etc. On the other, a person who failed will say, `I did not get what I wanted to', my dream did not come true', `I failed in the exam' etc.

If you carefully notice the words used, a successful person focuses on what he did to achieve, but the unsuccessful person focuses only on the result! When an expert archer misses the bulls' eye, he knows that there is nothing wrong in the bull's eye and if he wants to hit the bulls eye, he should improve his aim and focus.

Planning to win, preparing to win and expecting to win are the three important steps to winning. Any idea is good as any other idea. Every idea has a potential to produce great outcome. Take the idea that a piece of iron can be made to float on water or that a man can speak through a wire or that a black can become the President of United States. Many people could have got this idea. But only those who planned, prepared themselves to win and expected to win achieved success. 

Over this weekend, do a small exercise:

1.      Take one idea on which you are excited, eg: to open a departmental store in your area.

2.      Ask yourself the question: do I have a detailed plan to execute this idea into reality, what and when I should do the same, the time frame.

3.      Visualize in your mind's eye as though you are winning, and see yourself winning very vividly. Repeat this visualization exercise on a regular basis. If your visualization is not winning, mentally see what is that did or did not do which denied you the result, and take a corrective action in the plan.

Do the above exercise sincerely and notice what is happening to your life!

N C Sridharan



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