[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


8th March 2011

The Power of Everyday Discipline

It's not the work that's hard, it's the discipline.


I am heading a school as an Honorary Administrator. There is some building activity going on in the school and we are constructing an auditorium. We are very keen about the quality of construction and so we engaged highly skilled people. A few days ago I was observing a highly paid mason engaged in brickwork. He is a much wanted mason and he has a premium for his time and he will be very selective in accepting his project.

I was curious to know why he is a very reputation and I was watching him in action. I noticed that he was very careful in laying each and every brick and he was totally focused on his work. I asked him the secret about his success. He said that unless he is totally convinced that he has placed a brick, he will not place the next one and this is the reason for his success!

I realised that there is a great wisdom in what he said. If only we manage each day well, we will be managing our week and month effectively. Consider making the following affirmations:

v     Everyday I will get up at five am.

v     Everyday I will write one learning point.

v     Everyday I will say hi to one old friend of mine.

v     Everyday I will invest at least thirty minutes to improve my health.

v     Everyday I will spend fifteen minutes in cleaning up my desk..

v     Everyday I will not go to bed unless I have deleted the junk mail.

You can add to the list. Do this for a month and notice your own self image and self confidence going up!

N C Sridharan



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