[Time-Management] Thanks for the feedback!


Dear readers,


I am overwhelmed by the response on the feedback I have been receiving from you all. Many days I used to wonder if anyone is benefited by my newsletters. I am sending a few samples for your reading.


Some of you have pointed out about spelling and grammar mistakes. I confess that I feel so restless in dispatching the newsletter and I do not give a second reading before sending. I will take care of the same.


I want to reach out to as many people as possible. If you find my newsletter useful, please refer the same to them so that they can also subscribe to the same.


I once again request you to sponsor one copy of my book `IGNITE'. I donate all the proceeds of the book to a charitable trust. Every time someone buys a copy of the book, some child  somewhere will get some help in terms of books or uniforms!


For details of the book please visit my website or call my office: Ms. Sujatha @ 09282159733.


Thanks and regards,

NC Sridharan



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