[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


15th March 2011

It's not what you did, what you produced!

`However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results'

Winston Churchill

As I type this page the school final exams are going on and each child wants to score as high as possible. Every school is competing with every other school to produce the best result. One more important event is taking place – the World Cup cricket match. I wonder whether it is a world cricket match or a world war! Every country wants to beat every other country.

In the ultimate analysis it is the results which matters and not how hard we worked. People have no time to listen to what all we did and are doing. They want to know what we have to offer. The world offers equal opportunity to all of us. The most critical factor is whether we know the `technology of achievement'. The technology consists of the knowledge required to reach the object and the skill set required to stay on course.

We are not evaluated by the following:

  • How early we get up every day?
  • How late we go to bed every night?
  • How little we sleep in the night?
  • How late we stay in the office each day?
  • How many years we have skipped the annual leave?
  • What sacrifice we have made in our family life?

We are evaluated by only one factor: what is the end result of all the above? My be you can do an `audit' of the results you've produced and check if it is adequate. Do a gap assessment of what you should have achieved and what you have actually achieved. Then re do your strategy to fill up the gap.

It's something like the share holder looking at the last line of the balance sheet and not visiting the organisation to know what the people are doing on a daily basis!

N C Sridharan



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