[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th April 2011


If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.
Stephen R. Covey


Recently the school final exams got over bringing a sign of relief not only to the students but also to the parents. In my experience in running a school, I always notice that the students who score the highest marks share some common traits. They are relaxed and very focussed. I used to see the students just before entering the examination hall. The best performing student is calm and composed while the average or the below average student is very tense and very serious in the last minute preparations.


I also observe the best student throughout the year. The only thing that makes them stand out from the crowd is the secret:


v     They do the right thing at the right time.


This simple principle applies to all of us. We may be doing the right thing, but the question is do we do it at the right time? It is very important do ask ourselves a question very frequently: what do I want and what should I do to get what I want? Am I doing the right thing now?


This link between our goal and our action is very important. It is very likely that we are not conscious about this factor.


Why not do a very powerful but simple exercise during the next week? Take a piece of paper and jot down every activity you do during every 30 minute very sincerely and honestly. Don't reveal the content to anyone. I call this as `time use log'. After logging your activities for a week, check if you have done the right thing and if what you did connected with what you wanted to achieve.


N C Sridharan



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