[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


29th March 2011

 `The best teachers of humanity are the lives of great men'

Charles H Fowler

Our thoughts shape our mindset and our mindset decides our actions and behaviours. Over a period of time what we do and how we act decide our character. Our internal image decides our external behaviour and image.

Modelling is a very interesting NLP technique. By modelling the mindset of successful people, we will over a period of time imbibe their character. Modelling using NLP is a detailed course which will transform your personality in an amazing way. In this piece I am going to give a simple exercise on how you can model successful people.

First decide a role model in your chosen field and your objective over the next thirty days is to model his way of thinking and mindset. With him as your role model, ask the following questions in everything you do:

  • If he were to get an idea, how will he use the same?
  • Will he spend his time in discussing unnecessary issues?
  • Is this something on which he will worry too much?
  • Will he get angry and upset on this issue?
  • If he were to be confronted with this problem, how will he solve?
  • For this occasion how will he dress?
  • If he were to meet the person I am going to meet today, how will he prepare?
  • If he were to disagree with others on this issue, how will he present his views?
  • If he were to be irritated in this context, how will he behave?
  • If he were to get angry on this occasion, how will he control his anger?

Try this modelling strategy sincerely and honestly and notice what happens to your personality!

N C Sridharan



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