[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


16th March 2011

Unless you control, it will not be a resource!

`A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, and to dominate them'.

Oscar Wilde

We need to have a control on the various resources we are entrusted with. If we don't control, it will cease to be a resource. Water is a resource. But, if we are not able to control water, what will happen? Air is a resource if we are able to control it. So is fire. See what happened in Japan. Tsunami is nothing but an uncontrolled tidal wave. As long as the earth's crest in under control, it is a resource. But what will happen if the volcano erupts?

Take our own hands and legs. They are our resources. But if we have no control on our hands and legs, what will happen? Our sight is a resource. But if we lose control on our eyes what will happen? If our blood pressure goes out of control what will happen?

Now let's come to our emotional resources. Anger, happiness, desire, love, hatred, ambition are all our emotional resources. But if lose control on our emotions, the same will prove to be our enemies. Anger is good, if used constructively. Worry is good if used for a productive purpose. Suppose we don't have any worry at all? Love can be used as a positive energy. But, too much of love?

There are instruments and gadgets to find out if our bio system is under control. We check our sugar, blood pressure, weight, pulse rate etc, to check if they are within  allowable limits. But do we check if our emotional resources are under control?

Ask the following questions:

  • Is my anger under control? When did I last lose my temper and how soon did i bring it under my control?
  • Is my jealousy under control? What mechanism do I have to bring it under control?
  • Is my love under control?  

Our soft resources are invisible and we may not notice when they are reaching the danger mark. If you have nothing do to, introspect and check if your emotion control mechanism is working by asking the above questions!

N C Sridharan




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