[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


23rd March 2011

Make it difficult and check your passion!

A strong passion for any object will ensure success, for the desire of the end will point out the means'

William Hazlitt

What are you doing for your living? What is your hobby? Do you love doing it? Are you willing to sacrifice and suffer for doing it? What will you do if someone stops you from doing it? On a day when you feel very lazy or when you are sick, will you still do it? What do you expect in return for doing what you do?

These are some of the questions I ask my participants in my time management programmes. This is the litmus test to check if you have the passion for doing what you are doing. Unless and until we have a passion, we will not take the pain to continue our activities with the same drive and interest. I am sure you would have noticed some people working very hard even though they need not work so hard. You would have also seen some people persevering even though they fail miserably. It is their passion which drives them.

Why don't you check if you have the passion for doing what you are doing? Do the following exercises:

  • If you are a writer and you use a computer to write, start writing with a pen and paper and check how long you are able to do it!
  • If you drive to your place of worship, resolve to walk and see if you are still regular to that place!
  • If you love cooking, decide not to use any kitchen machines and see if you are able to sustain the additional workload!

Once in a way make your job difficult and check if you still pursue what you do. If you pass this test, it means that you have a passion for doing what you are doing!

N C Sridharan



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