[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


21st March 2011

You're your Prime Minister!

Do not waste a minute -- not a second -- in trying to demonstrate to others the merits of your performance. If your work does not vindicate itself, you cannot vindicate it.

Thomas Wentworth


You know the cabinet system of governance. There is a Prime Minister and he heads a Council of Ministers. Each Minister is allotted a specific portfolio. There is Minister for Health, Minster for Human Resources, Minister for External Affairs, Minster for Home Affairs, and Minister for Finance etc.  The Prime Minister holds a periodic review of the performance of each ministry and takes corrective action. If this system of governance does not perform effectively, the nation will suffer and the Prime Minister should take the responsibility and should resign.

Consider yourself to be the Prime Minister and you are the nation! Review if you are doing justice to each of the critical portfolios by asking the following questions:

v      How am I performing the portfolio of health?

v      How am I developing myself? Am I ready to face the challenges of the change?

v      How am I managing my home affairs?

v      How healthy is my relationship with outside people?

v      What is my income and expenditure and is there a healthy ratio?

Once in every month set aside one hour for this review. Take someone into confidence and report your performance review. It could be your spouse or parent, friend etc. Do this exercise even as a fun and see what happens!

But, remember one difference. The Prime Minister of a country has a option to resign if he fails, but you don't!

N C Sridharan



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