[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


4th March 2011

Are you fit to reach your destination?

Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Yesterday I was in a hospital and had an occasion to notice people with their own health problems. There were young and old, healthy and sick. The only agenda in their mind is `will I become fit to get back to my normal life?'

Life is like a journey and we have to reach the destination. The only question is `what is the destination and when and in what shape we will arrive at the destination?.  Unlike in real life journey, we have no control on when the journey will begin and when will it end! In the journey called life, we have to complete the journey and we cannot quit, whether we like the journey or not. Life is like a movie theater and we are watching our own life being enacted in front of us. The little time I spent in the hospital made me to realise how valuable is our health and fitness. I realised how powerful is the saying `health is wealth'. We cannot buy health with any amount of wealth.

Let me once aging compare a travel we undertake. We first decide where and when we want to arrive and choose a mode and type of transport. If the destination is very important to us, we are all the more careful about our transport and its fitness to take us to our coveted destination. We don't choose our destination to match our vehicle!

Our body is the vehicle which will take us to our ambitious destination and we have to maintain the same in a fit condition. If we lose our body, we lose everything. A healthy mind and a healthy body are the basic thing we should have. Everything else can be acquired and purchased and not these two things.

World will not accept our excuses such as:

v     I have high BP and hence I cannot strain myself…

v     I have a heart problem and hence I cannot work hard…

v     I have a damaged kidney and hence…..

v     I have a pain in my leg and hence….

Time and tide will wait for none, and we have to make hay when sun shines!

N C Sridharan



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