[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


31st March 2011

An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox.
Lao Tzu

Action is on any day better than inaction. It is better to do something rather than doing nothing. Great things in life are never achieved by inaction. Go and ask anyone. You will not come across anyone who can give even one example of a person who has achieved by doing nothing. You may be very powerful. You may have all the resources. You may have all the skill and knowledge. You may even have a very clear goal and a well chalked out strategy to reach your goal.

But, what is the use if you don't act?

Have you heard the old adage `slow and steady, win the race'? Great success has a simple formula. It is not how much work you put in. But it is about how steady and consistent you are. It is not how much hard you try. But it is about smart work. It is about continuity and follow-up.

A day in our life is a waste if we have not acted.

Check for the following traits in you by asking some simple questions:

  • Am I lazy?
  • Do I procrastinate?
  • Do I give up too soon?
  • Do I over plan but do little work?
  • How much of my time is not occupied by any work?
  • Do I waste my time? Do I sleep much more than what is required?

Try to answer these questions and see what happens to your plans and energy level!

N C Sridharan



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