[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


18th March 2011

Make a little, sell a little, take small steps.
3M Corporation Creed

The importance of the first step….

Life is a long journey and we have to take it whether we like it or not. We have to reach the destination whether we like it or not. The only choice we have is to choose our destination. Even if we don't choose a destination, we will arrive at some destination or other! The destination is our goal. A day without a focus and priority is a like a journey without a desired destination in mind.

We will notice a deviation in what we are doing and what we are supposed to do only when we have a specific goal in our mind. For example we are not taking sufficient care of our health, we are not writing sufficiently to become a professional writer, we are not practicing sufficiently to become world class, etc. All of us will notice this deviation, but only those who have the willpower will take corrective action. All that is required is our ability to change our habit. And habit cannot be changed if we don't change our behaviour.

Here's one way you can break this deadlock. Take the first step today. Resolve to be different from today. Resolve to make a tiny difference in your day's schedule. Make it very small and be consistent.

Let's take an example of trying to be punctual if you feel that it is your weakness. Choose one activity and introduce this change in your life. For example, starting to day you decide that you will have your dinner at 8 pm and sit on your dining table at 8 sharp. Don't try to introduce this time discipline in other areas of your life. For the next 21 days stick to your 8 pm dinner time consistently. Then take one more area, for example, reading newspaper at 6.30 am and follow the same for 21 days. Like this make small and minute incremental changes in your life style and notice what happens to your personality!

N C Sridharan



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