[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


9th March 2011

One half of life is luck; the other half is discipline - and that's the important half, for without discipline you wouldn't know what to do with luck.

Carl Zuckmeyer


Definitely there is a factor called luck. Sometimes we are lucky to be in a particular place at a particular point of time in our life. We are very lucky to have the advantage of technology which our grandfather did not have. We have the advantage of the internet and the mobile phone. It is easier to be a writer now than some fifty years ago. We can write faster, we have access to information much more than our forefathers. We can travel faster, stay healthier and solve many problems very easy.

We are lucky.

But success is not all about luck only. What is even more important is what we do with luck. Our grandparents were less lucky, but more disciplined. May be they had to work harder to achieve what they wanted to achieve. It is okay, since they achieved much more than what we have.

Sometimes luck may favour a person. There was a person called Timothy Texter who is an example of rags to riches in the eighteenth century. His enemies misled him to literally export coal to New Castle! Luckily for him there was a coal mines strike just at that time when the coal arrived and he made a very good profit!

His luck did not end there. Again he was misled to export mittens to the sweating island of Caribbean. But a trader in Trinidad purchased and re exported to Siberia since there was an extreme winter that year. In the result Timothy Texter once again made millions!

But all of us cannot be Timothy Texter! Let's combine discipline with luck.

N C Sridharan



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